Aspirations has been running for over 20 years, providing a wide range of social and leisure activities for young people and adults from the age of ten upwards who have been diagnosed with high functioning autism.

The aim of Aspirations is to give people the chance to have fun, make new friends, learn new skills and build their self-esteem, confidence and resilience.
We have two age groups, 10-18 and 18+ and activities take place at our centre in Stretford as well as out in the local community and further afield, with a residential activity once a year.
Some of the activities our groups have enjoyed recently include:
Visiting Speedwell Caverns
A sponsored walk up Snowdon
Roleplay games and gaming
All group sessions have our qualified key workers and support workers along to help out.
So, whether you’re into Dungeons and Dragons or exploring some of the natural wonders that are all around us, we’ve got activities that you’ll love to join in with, while making new friends along the way.
If you want to find out more about Aspirations or to book onto one of our activities, please call our office on 0161 866 8483 and request a booking form via email at

The cost very much depends on the activity and we are working hard to keep them as low as possible.
Costs are all on our booking form which goes out every three months with our newsletter, so if you are unsure please call or ask a member of staff.