Autism diagnoses are on the rise and it is estimated that approximately one in every 100 children in the UK has autism and, without the right support, school can be a very stressful and challenging environment.
To celebrate Autism Awareness Week 2021, we have put together a collection of free resources for students of all ages to learn about autism and better understand their autistic classmates.
School Anxiety
School anxiety is very common among children and teens on the autism spectrum. In fact, the problem is so common that it is called school refusal, where anxieties and sensory issues contribute to difficulties at school.
We’ve put together eight tips for coping with anxiety.
Communicating with School
Here at I AM, we get many calls to our information line from parents struggling to work and communicate effectively with the school that their child attends. We’ve put together some steps that you can take to build an effective working relationship with your child’s school.
Autism and Bullying in School
A recent Government Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) survey report identified that more than one in three disabled students experience bullying in mainstream schools. We put together some advice if your child is being bullied.
Strategies to Help Stop Bullying
Unfortunately, far too many people with Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC) experience bullying at some point in their lives. Bullying is never acceptable but if it happens individuals do need some strategies that they can use to deal with it until hopefully the situation is permanently resolved. We’ve put together some strategies that you can put in place.
Understanding Educational and Care Plans (EHCPs)
Some children may require more support than a school is able to provide. If this is the case then it may be necessary to apply for an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP). We put together a useful guide to help you navigate the process.
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