I AM Community Voice

I AM is keen to get feedback from all our members. We have set up regular meetings that are open for all adult members to hear your views on what we do – and to get your ideas about things we could be doing differently or better. We’re keen to get input from all members of our community including –

  • Those who attend our groups or one to one support
  • Parents and carers
  • Supporters

To make sure that the voice of members of our community gets heard and taken to the board one of our trustees Debra Bradley leads the meetings. Her role is to listen to the discussion and make sure that views and ideas are passed on to the board and those relevant ideas are passed to the staff group for their feedback.  She will then report back to the group at the next meeting and feedback on the response to ideas.

The first meeting of the Community Voice group was held on 14th October 2020 and we agreed to meet every 2 months on the second Wednesday of the month.  From October 2020 to April 2021 meetings were held via zoom but from June 2021meetings have been held face to face – with an option to join via Zoom.

Dates of meetings for 2021 –

Thursday 10th February

Wednesday 14th April

Wednesday 9th June at 6.00 pm  Summary

Wednesday 11th August at 6.00 pm  Summary

Wednesday 13th October at 6.00 pm Summary 

Wednesday 8th December at 6.00 pm

For 2022 we agreed to vary the day that meetings are held so that members who may not be able to attend on Wednesdays would be able to attend at least some meetings.

Dates of meetings for the first half of 2022 –

Thursday 10th February at 6.00 pm

Tuesday 12th April at 6.00 pm

Wednesday 8th June at 6.00 pm

The format of meetings will be kept under regular review and if the situation with COVID changes we may need to return to Zoom meetings.  Please check the website before meetings for up to date information.

If you want to know more about Community Voice and the meetings please email Debra at Debra.Bradley@i-am-autism.org.uk

Ps – Although these meetings are for adult members of our community we are also going to be talking to our youth groups to make sure that the views of children and young people who are part of our community are also heard.

Purpose of the group

The purpose of the I AM Community Voice group is to provide a way for all adult members of I AM to be able to communicate with the board. This provides a way for members to

  • Make suggestions to the board
  • Ask the board questions

Debra Bradley (who is a member of the board) will lead the meetings. Debra will ensure that the voice of members is passed on to and heard by the board. Debra will then feedback from the board to the I AM Community Voice group at the next meeting.

Members are aware that although suggestions are taken to the board and discussed with them that there can not be a guarantee that they will be acted on. The board may not be able to take up ideas and suggestions for different reasons, including financial /cost implications or for legal or governance reasons. Members of the meeting accepted this.

Information about the I AM Community Voice group and how to join meetings will be posted on the website as well as dates of future meetings.

Although this meeting is for adults members I AM is speaking to children and young people who attend our youth groups to make sure the voice of our younger members is heard.

Purpose of the group

The purpose of the I AM Community Voice group is to provide a way for all adult members of I AM to be able to communicate with the board. This provides a way for members to

  • Make suggestions to the board
  • Ask the board questions

Debra Bradley (who is a member of the board) will lead the meetings. Debra will ensure that the voice of members is passed on to and heard by the board. Debra will then feedback from the board to the I AM Community Voice group at the next meeting.

Members are aware that although suggestions are taken to the board and discussed with them that there can not be a guarantee that they will be acted on. The board may not be able to take up ideas and suggestions for different reasons, including financial /cost implications or for legal or governance reasons. Members of the meeting accepted this.

Information about the I AM Community Voice group and how to join meetings will be posted on the website as well as dates of future meetings.

Although this meeting is for adults members I AM is speaking to children and young people who attend our youth groups to make sure the voice of our younger members is heard.

Ground rules

We agreed on the following for how the meetings would be run


  • An agenda will be sent out to members a few days before each meeting
  • Debra will email a draft agenda to members and ask if they have anything to add with a deadline for when things can be added
  • It was agreed that the agenda for the next meeting should be on the website
  • A final agenda will be sent out and posted on the website 2 days before the meeting


  • Debra will produce minutes / a summary of the meeting within a week of the meeting
  • Members of the group did not want meetings to be recorded
  • The minutes of the meeting will be shared with all members who attended or sent their apologies
  • The full minutes will be shared with the board but not with the wider staff group
  • A brief summary of the meetings including the number of members who attended and topics discussed will be posted on the website and shared with relevant I AM staff.




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I AM Community Voice

I AM is keen to get feedback from all our members. We have set up regular meetings that are open for all adult members to hear your views on what we do – and to get your ideas about things we could be doing differently or better. We’re keen to get input from all members of our community including –

  • Those who attend our groups or one to one support
  • Parents and carers
  • Supporters

To make sure that the voice of members of our community gets heard and taken to the board one of our trustees Debra Bradley leads the meetings. Her role is to listen to the discussion and make sure that views and ideas are passed on to the board. She will then report back to the group at the next meeting and feedback on the board’s response to ideas.

The first meeting was held on 14th October 2020 and we agreed to meet every 2 months. Meetings are held every two months. Dates of previous and up and coming meetings are –

Wednesday 8th December 2021 at 6.00 pm

Thursday 10th Feb 2022 at 6.00 pm

Tuesday 12th April at 6.00 pm4

Wednesday 8th June at 6.00 pm

The meetings are free and are held at the I AM Centre with an option to join via zoom. If you want to know more about Community Voice and the meetings please email Debra at Debra.Bradley@i-am-autism.org.uk

Ps – Although these meetings are for adult members of our community we are also going to be talking to our youth groups to make sure that the views of children and young people who are part of our community are also heard.

For information on the purpose and rules of the group, please click here.


  • An agenda will be sent out to members a few days before each meeting
  • Debra will email a draft agenda to members and ask if they have anything to add with a deadline for when things can be added
  • It was agreed that the agenda for the next meeting should be on the website
  • A final agenda will be sent out and posted on the website 2 days before the meeting


  • Debra will produce minutes / a summary of the meeting within a week of the meeting
  • Members of the group did not want meetings to be recorded
  • The minutes of the meeting will be shared with all members who attended or sent their apologies
  • The full minutes will be shared with the board but not with the wider staff group
  • A brief summary of the meetings including the number of members who attended and topics discussed will be posted on the website and shared with relevant I AM staff.

Conduct of the meetings

  • Only one person to speak at a time
  • All members to listen to what others are saying
  • All members to treat each other with respect
  • Details of the discussion not to be discussed outside of the meeting
  • Where there is a difference of opinion between members about a topic a vote could be taken
  • All members will agree to respect the outcome of any vote – even if they voted differently
  • Members will not communicate outside the meeting eg on social media about their lack of agreement with any discussion or vote



AM can offer support contact us at admin@i-am autism.org.uk or give us a call on 0161 866 8483 

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